Corbin Champion برنامه ها

Tiny Utils 1.1.0
Corbin Champion
Android Terminal Emulator, BusyBox, Frotz, Perl and SSH viaDropbear (dropbear just added, so need to do more testing with it)without rooting your device.Tiny Utils combines tiny versions of many common and usefulGNU/UNIX utilities and terminal into a single small Androidapplication. It provides replacements for most of the utilities youusually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, and more.Tiny Utils installs BusyBox, microperl (a small perlinterpreter), patchelf, frotz (so you can play Z code interactivefiction games) and dropbear an SSH client and server. Tiny Utilsalso includes the Android Terminal Emulator within it, so you havea nice, proven work environment where you can use all thiscapability.Tiny Utils is not all business though as it now has frotz whichallows you to play z-code games. See the screen shots of examplesof downloading and playing a couple of popular games (Zork andSpider and Web). Given how nice the Android Terminal Emulator is, Ithink this might be the best environment for playing z codegames.All combined, this give you many of the commands you are used tohaving while working at a GNU/Linux Terminal.Find the full list of BusyBox commands here:, Tiny Utils does not require you to have a rooted device toinstall it. Being such, it does not modify your Android system atall and can be uninstalled in a normal fashion. While somecommands, like chroot, or su, require you to have root permissions,the most commonly used commands do not.Known limitations:Some commands, require rooting your device to work properly.Some commands will not work as expected because Android is notGNU/Linux (tell me what you need/want if it is not working, so Ican prioritize).All that said, your device will get a LOT more useful and powerfulwith this installed.Source code is posted and I will be posting many examples (overtime) of awesome ways you can use this here: provide feedback. Rate it and tell others if you think itis good. If you run into any problems please file an issue here soI can get any details I need and so you can track progress on theissue.Also, if you have any suggestions/contributions that you thinkwill improve this further, don't be shy. While I am charging forthis, I am doing so minimally to make sure this continues to besupported and improved going forward and I am pretty sure this willbe worth more to you than what is being charged.
GNURoot Debian
Corbin Champion
GNURoot Debian provides a method for you toinstall and use Debian and its associated applications/packagesalongside Android.This does NOT require root.A regular uninstall fully cleans up after this application.This is expandable and you will be able to install your ownapplciations/packages into it.Inside GNURoot Debian, you can create a root file system, launchinto it, or delete it.The moto is: "This ain't done, until everything* will run"*everything == all linux, user space applications, without havingto root your device. Some things (a small number of things), thatactually require root will not work (like inserting a kernelmodule).Please: file bugs, feature requests of view code here: work is now sponsored by Teradyne!
Corbin Champion US$50 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Octave ODE Package 0.8.2-2_armel-1
Corbin Champion
Octave Forge ODE PackageA package for solving ordinary differential equations andmore.
Octave Gnuplot Package x86 gnuplot-nox_4.6.0-8_i386-1
Corbin Champion
This package is used with GNU Octave.This package is required if you want plotting to work.This package contains gnuplot and additional necessary librariesit needs that are not included in the GNU Octave Main Package.
Corbin Champion US$10 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$3 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Octave Optim Package x86 1.2.0-1_i386-1
Corbin Champion
Octave Forge Optim PackageNon-linear optimization toolkit.
Corbin Champion US$2 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Octave Signal Package x86 1.1.3-1_i386-1
Corbin Champion
Octave Forge Signal Package sure you have the latest version of Octave.
Octave Specfun Package x86 1.1.0-1_i386-1
Corbin Champion
Special functions including ellipiticfunctions, etc
Octave Symbolic Package x86 1.1.0-1_i386-1
Corbin Champion
Octave Forge Symbolic PackageSymbolic toolbox based on GiNaC and CLN.
Octave Control Package x86 2.3.52-1_i386-1
Corbin Champion
Octave Forge Control PackageComputer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD) Tools for GNUOctave, based on the proven SLICOT library.
Corbin Champion US$20 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$11 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$4 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$25 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$7 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments. You can also pay nothing.
Corbin Champion US$6 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments. You may also pay nothing.
Corbin Champion US$48 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$35 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$19 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$22 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$34 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$18 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$37 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$36 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$13 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$39 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$12 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$28 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$15 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$38 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$27 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$31 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$30 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$17 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$43 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$29 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$46 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$45 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$21 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$47 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$24 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$16 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$49 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$40 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$26 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.
Corbin Champion US$42 Payment 2
Corbin Champion
My Android applications will now be supportedby a "pay what you want" system. You can choose your price US$1 -US$50 in US$1 increments.The first app that will be migrated to this system will be Octave,followed by others.While this may be disappointing for some, I have realized thatgiving this work away free (as in $) doesn't serve your or myinterests well. It is clear from users that they love what I havedone, but want more features and better support. It bothers mesignificantly that I am not able to provide it because of time andmoney constraints. This will not be about making a lot of money,this will simply be about creating a better project by paying fordeveloper time going forward.By the way, if you have paid previously via the Play Store for anyof my apps, no additional charge is required. Also, paying oneamount will cover your usage of all of my apps, which will alladopt the same payment system.How money is spent (after Google gets their cut):10% (or more): Donated to Free or Open projects that my works isdependent on.10% (or more): To the Lord's work (humanitarian work).Remaining: Developer timeThere is pretty much 0 overhead for the work I do.